Sunday, September 26, 2010

China Orchid species Daquan (from Network)

 1) Chunlan

Chun-lan, also known as orchid, mountain blue, fragrant flowers, referred to as blue, the ancients called weak feet. Xiaolan Lanshan villagers called production.

Chunlan is the most widely distributed blue, the most abundant resources, a longer history of cultivation, breeding orchids, the largest horticultural cultivars. It strains are small, narrow leaves smaller, erect stalk, about 6-25 cm, open l flowers, the ancients called a stem of a flower is blue. Said a small number of open double flower and Dilan, which means good luck. Chunlan strains of the body is small, the flower is large, flower show blossoms usually 4-6 cm in diameter, the largest up to 8 cm in diameter. Color is usually green and yellow-green-based,Discount UGG boots, perianth with purple streaks or spots on. Flowering about one month (February to mid-March mid). Most Chunlan fragrant, known fragrance.

Chunlan have different characteristics because of origin, can be divided into Jiangsu and Zhejiang Chunlan, Chunlan Henan, Hubei Chunlan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan China Chunlan, South Chunlan and other categories.

2) Spring sword

major resource areas in spring sword in Sichuan and Guizhou. Chun Jian tall plant type, leaf width 1-2.2 cm, 40-100 cm long leaves, leaf quality may Chunlan, leaf magnificent. Chunlan flowering period and also, a flower stalk 2-5, 4-8 cm diameter, flower blossoms show, rich color, texture, thin flap on the petal pattern was hidden and has good fragrance. Plant leaves are generally 5-10 pieces strong. Thick strong root system. Kind of traditional names, a In recent years a large number of new varieties selected to form Chuanlan characteristics.

3) Cymbidium

also known as snow blue, base Aram. Distribution area is very narrow, only in the mountains of western Yunnan and Taiwan region of native species.

petals thin narrow leaves, leaf length 50-80 cm, leaf width of 0.5-1.2 cm. Leaves clustered 6-9 tablets, pseudobulbs small, typically only about 1 cm in diameter, but the roots are thick, with diameters up to 0.5 cm. Pedicel erect fine round and straight, with 2-3 flowers flower petals thin stripes was hidden on the perianth, flower show is about 3.5-6 cm in diameter spindles. Lanceolate sepals, petals oval, lip volume under the anti-dang. Flowering in January-March, flowers bloom, the aroma Fu thick and elegant. On behalf of varieties of Orchid petals, known as white as snow, bright green leaves with sharp color contrast.

4) Cymbidium

also known as Kau Wah Lan, nine blue, nine sub-Lan, the villagers said the high production Lanshan blue, large blue, blue ox, on the blue. The ancients called a stem of nine flowers LOH, also known as Hui said Cymbidium flowers instead. Natan said a few areas, or to send spring.

body is generally higher Cymbidium plants, leaves 5-13 pieces, leaves about 35-80 cm, leaf width 0.5-1.5 cm thick veined leaves are many and obvious, clear and coarse serrated leaf margin , pseudobulbs not obvious. Pedicels erect, stem diameter by 1 cm thick, fine person, such as incense, tall frame or the leaf homogeneous leaf frame, usually about 35-80 cm high. 5-30 flowers flower. Show blossoming flowers 3.5-8 cm in diameter. More yellow-green or green color, green velvet on the tongue do moss, Shangzhui many purple point block, 4-5 flowering early in the origin, with occasional flower once again in the fall. LOH flowers widely distributed north of Qinling range of species. Elevation than the original habitat Chunlan, compare cold, resistance to dry, Xi Yang.

Wai flowers produced throughout the leaf, flower quality slightly different, a farm is divided into Jiangsu and Zhejiang LOH flowers, Anhui and Hubei LOH western flower, Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and South China Wai Wai spent flowers.

5) Four Seasons Lan

usually called Cymbidium, also known as Lan Xia, Qiu-lan. Also known as Yu-Hua Lan, Chun River blue, blue male, female blue. Four Seasons Four Seasons is not all blue flowering, generally until the beginning of flowering for the June ending Cold Dew, many times during flowering. Four Seasons Blue Origin

wider latitude 30 ° south of Shanlin Jian and recent elevation of 300-400 meters was born in the general group of mixed forest, because of wide origin, coupled with a long history of cultivation, production over the Four Seasons Lan their individual plant varies. It was divided into a number of series. Such as: Chun river, Yuzhen Department, Department of male blue, female blue line, jade pillow system, heart and other factors.

6) Cymbidium

also known as Cymbidium, thanks to years old Portland, Feng-year-old Lan. Cymbidium leaves are wide, generally 2-4.2 cm wide, about 25-80 cm. Born in match-fixing stem with 2-5 leaves. Pseudobulbs larger, 1.5-2.5 cm in diameter. Yefu Guang Ze, cross-sectional pale Pedicels erect, leaves are generally higher than the frame. Raceme, the flowers more than 5-20 flowers, flowers 2.5-5 cm in diameter show blossoms. Office of sepals and flowers usually narrowly lanceolate, drooping lips do against volume. Mostly purple-brown color,UGG boots clearanc, decorated with deep purple-brown stripes. Flowering from late autumn to next February, with a sweet fragrance aroma.

Cymbidium growing in the latitude 26 ° south of Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Taiwan, Jiangxi, Yunnan, Hainan, Sichuan and Guizhou, the south and other places, produced around each feature blue ink, according to their characteristics can be divided into Taiwan Cymbidium, Daming Department of ink blue, ink blue, Guangdong, Yunnan ink blue, ink blue Jiangxi and so on.

7) Cold Blue

only three to four years in our cultural history. Usually flowering in the winter. Now the south in Zhejiang, Sichuan and northern Yunnan Huili found cold in the July-September flowering orchids, called

leaf quality between the cold blue blue Chunlan and construction between the leaf cuticle slightly thicker than the Chunlan, but thinner than the construction of blue, rich luster. Leaf close Chunlan. Chunlan foliage than smooth. Body of higher plants, leaves 30-100 cm long, 1-2 cm wide, leaf frame above the Chunlan. Leaves clustered 3-5 tablets, 6-7 tablets a few. Pseudobulbs large, long oval, smooth, thick roots. Pedicels thin, vertical upright. Racemose, with 3-12 flowers flowers, sepals narrowly lanceolate,UGG boots, sepals about 2 - 4 cm, Kuanjin 0.2-0.35 cm. Show blossoming flowers 3.5-8 cm in diameter, petals shorter than sepals, usually 1/3-1/2 the length of sepals, was pointed oval, well developed lips, colorful. Cold and blue color points to be divided into the cold blue green (Green Peduncle blue and white), blue cold blue (blue-purple stems), cold blue purple (violet purple stems), safflower cold blue, white (Susan) cold blue, cold blue yellow and more yarn (insert color) and other seven cold blue.

widely distributed in cold Lan, Taiwan, Guangdong, Fujian, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Yunnan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Anhui, Zhejiang and the southern Jieyou cold blue native species. Cold and blue sub-leaved and Egeria can also be divided leaves and soft leaves, thin Li Ye Hanlan less, only one-thousandth or so in the original habitat. Li Ye Hanlan fine fine narrow leaves and thick hard, large pseudobulbs, roots thick, serrated leaf margin evident.

8) to spend Portland

also known as Taiwan orchids, bee orchids, Po blue, gold edge, square blue, blue stone origin have claimed. Spend most of the growth of blue above the rock, and some are born with twig on a tree. Strains of the body length of 25-40 cm in general, 1.2-2 cm leaf width, leaf tip blunt tip of leaf thickness, leaf cuticle obvious. Clustered leaves 4-6 pieces, mostly for the soft down, small pseudobulbs, pedicels 15 to 30 cm, easy to ramp up or down, dense 12-40 flowers, flowers small, sepals and petals are short and round, elongated eggs shape, lip drooping reflexed. Reddish brown color, flowering early as May to June. White flowers in recent years, Susan, microstrip scented garden varieties.

9) Line Ye Chunlan

Name beans blue, parrot green, the main producing areas in Guizhou, Sichuan and Yunnan provinces, live in general at an altitude of 500-2000 meters over the dry mountains, smaller leaf 40-60 cm long and narrow , 0.6-1 cm wide, the majority of leaf span cross-section was shoulder flower products, flowering in 1-3 months, 40 days under normal circumstances no withered flowering capacity. Zhu rich colors are gold, pink, purple, yellow, re-color, white,UGGs, Zihei, green and so on. the majority of non-aromatic, In recent years, there were a few lines Yechun Lan Hong.

10) sets of Eran

pseudobulbs were bamboo-like, yellow old leaves fall off the lower part of the next year, once again pumping the top of New Leaf. A stem 5 to 9 flowers, fragrance, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan and other provinces are native species.

11) Qiu North Winter Cymbidium

only produced in southern Yunnan, is a new species discovered in 1980.

12) Orchid

also known as rich blue, stone blue, etc., attached to a tree or a rock was born. Plant is only 10-15 cm high, leaves small hypertrophy, blade length 2 to 5 cm wide, 0.5 to 1.5 cm, 0.1-0.2 cm thick, alternate leaves up to 10-20 pieces, no pseudobulbs, axillary stalk out, the students small white flowers, three split lip, thick aroma, a beautiful small flower pose.

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